tisdag 10 maj 2016

En president som GUD utvalt till att förändra hela jorden.

Det har börjat en ny tid på jorden, en tid där GUDS kraft, under tecken och mirakler kommer manifestera sig som aldrig förr.

Vi kommer göra större gärningar en Yeshua gjorde, (Joh 14:12)

Bönesvaret till bönen "Fader vår", där vi ber att Hans rike ska komma ner till jorden och Hans vilja ska ske här, har nu kommit.

Stegvis kommer det bli mer och mer uppenbart.
Redan har jag fått se märkliga ting, uppleva starkare Andliga närvaron och se hur mäktigt GUD svarar på böner.

Joel 3, där allt kött kommer få smaka på GUDS närvaro

Rom 8, där naturen kommer bli förvandlad tack vare den auktoritet vi kommer kliva in i.

Kingdome Age - är på jorden, och kommer att vara tills den riktigt svåra tiden börjar,
Som vissa tror vi lever i redan nu. Då kommer man inte hitta rent vatten att dricka,
kristna kommer få bo i containers m.m

 Det kommer bli fruktansvärda tider, men vi kommer ha en helt annan relation med GUD än vi har i dagsläget.  Kristna kommer inte att ha några problem att dö som martyrer, tvärtom! Det kommer vara en stor glädje att offra sig till sista blodsdroppen för kung Yeshua!
En kristen kan inte dödas utan GUDS tillåtelse, Upp 6:11 (skulle det ske har Han har makt att resa upp från döda)  att en människas liv offras, bär de riklig skörd på jorden i ofrälsta själar.

I denna tid har GUD börjat uppenbara mer detaljerad information om sig själv,

Jag ser fram emot när vi kristna ska se GUD för den Han är och inte begränsa Honom till något enformigt.
Han är kärlekens källa, Han älskar,
men Han kan också bli arg, av Hans vrede smälter och skälver bergen.
Gud är vår Fader, PappaYAH brukar jag säga, men Han är också den jag tjänar med mitt liv på jorden.
Min Herre, min Mästare.

GUD har nåd över vem Han vill.

Kat Kerr är en kvinna på 60 + som GUD talat mycket till om Kingdome Age,
och något som tillhör Kingdome Age är en ny president i AMERIKA!

Det kommer att påverka hela jorden!

Det här videoklippet kan uppfattas lite mysko med musiken och bild-effekterna,
men kan också vara till fördel då det ger en budskapet mer djuphet:

Jag ber om massa inspiration, passion över denna blogginlägg.
Ska inte skriva mer, men däremot klistrar jag in vad Kat Kerr fått från GUDS tron ang
detta med att just denne person ska bli president och hur det påverkar tiden vi lever i!!

(Översätter ej, då det är ett så stort jobb, och orginal är alltid starkast)

11 Kat Kerr revelations från throne room:

First repost from January 2016. This is a powerful message God gave me in the first part of this year and as promised we are reloading it on this new FB Public page. We will put date of each original posting of these series of messages from this year. Please remember that NONE of these are my opinions, but revelations shared by our Father from His throne room.

January 20, 2016
Have again been on a divine assignment and laid aside everything normal to mankind to finish with passion, what He has asked me to do over past several weeks and am almost finished.
I will soon begin to write down what He has shown me about 2016 but you will have to choose with your Will to receive it and act on it. It will be perfectly reflect what Father has planned and all those pursuing to live in Him and manifest Him NOW, will not be disappointed. This will be the most Unusual, Strange and Powerful habitation of God's presence this earth has ever experienced and nothing you have assumed, decided or proclaimed can even come close to what we will witness (and some demonstrate) as God turns the table on the enemy and moves His hand on our behalf. He has heard our declarations and agreement that His Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!
All unsaved liberals and God haters better surrender their lives to Christ or pack their bags and move to another planet because Nothing or No person or Being of darkness can stop what God is about to do on earth. He has decided to invade our lives, our plans and our belief systems with His presence and His Power. For those who have been living part-time in the enemy's camp, repent while you can stand and do it, because if you wait until it starts; you will be crawling while you repent as wave after wave of the Living God begins to touch all flesh.
Those who have surrendered their Will shall shout and rejoice and anyone who has not surrendered to the enemy's plots or attacks, will be free. The lie that there is no God will become a distant memory in humankind because the world will no longer believe it and His own (who have been uncaring or unyielding) will not be able to ride the gray line any more. Get fully in and surrender, forsaking the deceptions and lies that water down the Holiness and Blood of Christ as if it was your right to choose to sin and still think you can still be okay with God. He will always love you but He allows you to choose with your Will to be a part of the Light or live in darkness. Stop playing at being a Christian and LIVE the TRUTH, be Holy as He is Holy and allow the Grace to keep you free from sin. It will TERRIFY the enemy.

This is the second repost from February 1, 2016 along with the graphic image I created to go with it.
February 1, 2016
Whose report will you believe? Those who help release fear through advertising the enemy's plans by posting and declaring wrath, doom and gloom but have no solution for it and are afraid themselves. Or will you believe those who are Fearless and release Hope, Power and Faith through reporting the Father's plans for us to push back darkness by taking power over ALL the power of the demonic enemy, releasing the Hosts of Heaven to pull down strongholds and ruling with Christ. You must understand that our enemies have become the enemies of our God and they are like specks of dust to HIm! He is on our side and He created everything. He even held this very planet in His hand as He made it.
Stand up and tell Him that you TRUST Him regardless of what your eyes see or ears hear in this natural realm. If you truly want eyes to SEE and ears to HEAR what the Spirit of God is saying, then you better start declaring in faith that you choose to believe the Good reports and God's plans. There will be those who will be GREAT in the earth for their God and there will be those who only read about it! GRAB YOUR CROWN AND LET NO ONE TAKE IT FROM YOU THROUGH DECEPTION OR FEAR. RULE every day of your life and you wil not only see the hand of your God move on your behalf but He will allow you to help Him move it for others.

This created grapic resembles the army of Heaven moving faster than the speed of light in hundreds of thousands of orbs which leave shockwaves of power in the spirit realm as they head to do battle. They are one of our weapons sent from Heaven by the Lord of Hosts to war for you and I. Spoken from the Father through by Kat Kerr.

This is the third repost from 2016. Although short, it is also profound.
February 10, 2016
Am still receiving input from Father about 2016, however HE has repeatedly told me that HE is going to CLEAN HOUSE this year(meaning the White House)!!! Get ready for MAJOR CHANGES in America, GOOD CHANGES!!! Kat Kerr

This is the fourth repost from 2016.
March 5, 2016
Hello Friends, This is Kat and the Father has released me to start sharing His choice for America's next President and what they will do to help restore Justice, Freedom and yes, even Righteousness. He said to remind you that His ways are not always ours so be sure to declare God's Will, God's Way and open your spirit to receive.
His first comment to me on Friday was this, word for word:
"The next American President will be a Strong leader who is an 'All - American boy' who will be 'All for America' and is passionate about it! He is already a Leader of Leaders"
Here is His comment for today, Saturday:
"He will not befriend America's enemies nor will he fear them, but will help Ameica's longtime Friends and he will restore a strong military base to protect and defend".
Over the next couple days, God will continue to share about the next President and what type of team will develop in the next administration and how important they will be to His plans for America and the next generation and beyond. This is the Father's time to be seen and heard through the Believers and those who will become Believers, so lay down your opinions, stop blasting the candidates and PRAY that God has His way above all else. On earth as it is in Heaven is already here, do not let your flesh interefere and miss being a part of tremendous restoration and Blessings!
PS. I will still love you even if you decide against God's choice, but I am irrevocably on His team as His Love for me has totally won me!
PSS. The Father just said, "STOP FIGHTING ABOUT IT and AGREE THAT HIS WILL, HIS WAY BE DONE. You may have your own opinions, but do NOT allow them to turn into wrath. You will BE quite surprised who the Presidental nominee picks for his running mate (a most unexpected pair); and they will 'balance' what areas they both need help in. TOGETHER they will be unbeatable and make a loud sound, because I have chosen them and I know what they are NOW and WHAT THEY will BECOME."
May all who read have their spiritual eyes and ears open to hear what the Father and the Spirit and the Son is saying and doing to answer the cries of their hearts!!

Here is the next repost from the beginning of 2016. It is repost No. 5, please meditate on what the Father is trying to explain to us.
March 6, 2016 (Sunday AM)
The Father has been talking to me about His children and that means you if you have received Christ as your Savior. He said He loves to reveal things at a slower pace when He is talking to us all in a corporate setting because people are at different levels of intimacy with Him and they are at different levels of understanding and revelation. He wants to give everyone time to absorb and meditate on what He is saying so that your spirit man can receive a witness from Holy Spirit. Too many times our flesh jumps on whatever it does not personally agree with or it is not how we had figured out in our own mind. When you do that it causes you to MISS what God is trying to show you. Therefore, He is on purpose, telling you why He has chosen this person for President by revealing his strengths and not his weaknesses. If you WALK IN THE SPIRIT and NOT the Flesh, you will NOT fulfil the desires of the flesh, which is to attack whatever you do not understand or agree with. We are NOT God and we should be grateful that He is willing to take the time to reveal His reasons for not 0nly choosing this person but has marked him for Presidency. Do not give opportunity for the enemy to take advantage, because he hates losing the territory of ruling in our government. Let God have His Will, His Way because He knows the future and He LOVES America. Later tonight I will be posting what He is further revealing about His choice. If you are wise, you will get on the Holy Spirit rollercoaster throughout this election and celebrate with THEM (the Trinity) that Great, Amazing, Powerful change is coming to this land, One Nation under GOD! Kat Kerr

This is the next REPOST, No. 6
March 6, 2016 (Sunday PM)
The Father's next comment (today, Sun PM) on His choice for President is:
"The one who will sit in the White House as President is in big business and because of that he already has within him the ability to change the status quo for business and will restore many Made In America businesses and create new opportunities in the marketplace to cause American made products to flourish. Hope for a bright future will explode into creativity and new inventions and many in the world will begin to change their opinion of this great Country founded by Me to be a Light to the Nations.
As I have stated in the past; those countries who have financially benefited for years from their own products (sometimes poor in quality and made from questionable materials) being continually sold in America, will in this new season be running to purchase Made in America products and putting millions of dollars back into this country! The economy in America will prosper greatly and will do so for generations to come because of the wise decisions made through the next administration.
I have purposely timed the birth on earth of MANY (in this country and other countries) who now know Me and Love my Son, that I will prosper openly and will excel in Business, Government, Society, Education and Arts & Entertainment (rated for family enjoyment) before the eyes of the world. They will become examples of living the Truth without compromise and will be sought out for their wisdom by many. Do not resist what I have chosen for this Age and do not think it is time to escape but rejoice that you are living in the time when My manifest presence and Spirit will touch ALL flesh. Will you be willing to carry the Glory (without spot or wrinkle) or will you hide from it. How changed will America be? The day is coming when it will be popular to be a Believer or the friend of a Believer because the Nations will be drawn to the Light in them, BECAUSE I say SO and when you think you know more than Me, tell Me"! "STOP FIGHTING, for My eyes are on you all!" GOD

This is the next REPOST, No. 7.
March 7, 2016 (Monday)
Today, Monday, the Father talked to me about the importance of being passonate about the vision or call He has given us for our lives. He is filled with passionate love for all, even those who do not know Him or do not want Him. He is Love and those who do belong to Him should exhibit that Love at all times, which is why the Word says, 'Bless those who curse you and pray for those who despitefully use you'. I try my very best to live that way and hold no offense against any who talk harshly of me or any revelations the Father has given me; I quickly forgive them and ask the Holy Spirit to not even write their words down. It is a wonderful thing to live FREE from offense! During this election process, please pray for those who are responding in the flesh, that they will learn to walk in the Spirit and clearly undestand that when we surrender our lives to Christ our life purpose is to then do His will and not our own. Even when it does not make sense to our natural mind, we must Trust Him that He has only Good Plans for us. On earth as it is in Heaven, Live the Truth so others may know His Love!
The Father's comment for today (March 7th) concerning the next President is this:
" He will make quick decisions for what is best for America as far as justice and freedom are concerned. He will overturn any unjust self-made laws (forced by the current administration) that have hurt the American people by loss of hope, choice or hindered or stripped away their rights to live in peace and happiness including worshipping My Son, as did their ancestors for generations. What was once considered sacred has now become a crime and treated as such. It should not be so, for I have marked this Land as Mine and many have died for the opportunity to protect and defend this Land but even they have been directly scoffed at, belittled and even harmed through decisions of the current administration.
Those who enter into this Land with intent to kill or destroy, will be dealt with harshly by the next President instead of being excused or helped. He will be a man of action so do not expect any boring days once he takes office! He does not fear man or their threats nor is he influenced by the liberal media of today. No matter how they attempt to insult or abuse his statements, I will cause him to lead far out in front. He will be recognized (even by other nations) as a STRONG leader and cause the return of honor to the title of President. He is far from perfect and many would not choose him but I do not choose the qualified; I qualify the chosen. He will make a wise choice for his running mate and will encourage them to have a voice.
I do not always explain My choices and even though I have done so this time, some of My very own will harshly disagree and strike out against Me. It will be like tiny pebbles throwing themselves against a Great Mountain, but still I have chosen him to win. You have desperately prayed for help to change this nation and I Am answering those prayers with My choice for President and the one he chooses as Vice Presient. My Spirit will speak to them and even if they do not always know it is Me, they will not reject it as others have. He will change in time. If I could love you before you knew Me; then I too can love him. I see him through My eyes, not yours and even though he may not be fully mine YET, the devil fears greatly what he will do for Me and for this nation!
I AM HOLY and I have been from the Beginning to the End and from the End to the Beginning and I created it ALL. You may choose whom you want but My vote also counts!" Selah
May the anointing from His words consume you and break any yoke of darkness that you may be free to Live and not just exist!

This next REPOST, No. 8 included a video.
March 9 , 2016 (Wednesday Afternoon)
On God's own Timeline in His Throne Room, there is a mark that says "Kingdom Age" and therefore change MUST happen because it is now His time and no longer man's time to decide if God really exists or not. Do you know that even the secular world wants change in America? It is a good thing, because God has already started change even though some of His own do not see it as His hand moving on their behalf. This is the next post concerning the new President but in the video, I am not speaking my words, it is GOD SPEAKING to ALL His children. Because it was so powerful, we decided to let you hear it instead of typing it. God has truly chosen the next President for His purposes but He has also CHOSEN YOU to be an important part of this change. We all declare in agreement that His Will, His Way be done in our Nation! May His LOVE consume you

Trump kommer att bli frälst! :

This is REPOST No. 9 where the Father actually reveals His choice for President of U.S.A. Be sure to read all the other 8 prior Reposts to see what the Father said about His choice before naming him.
March 9, 2016 (Wednesday Evening)
Before I share what the Father's final comments are, I want to make you aware of some things to declare over;
1 The liberal media is so terrified of this man as he is like no other candidate who will expose many things not only in the governmnt but in biased media. They were not expecting what he has already delivered so far and they are plotting together against him to flood FB and youtube with ridiculous stories and lies about him. You will see them coming from everywhere very soon as they want to STOP him. He cannot be bought because he does not need their buyout schemes nor their approval.
2 He does not need anyone's money and he is not about to throw his away in order to secure 'safe passage' in Washington. He is very dangerous against the devil's plans because the people have already chosen him too and it is because God's hand is upon him. None of the elite can wrap their heads around this avalanche of support from the everyday masses. They will not figure it out because they will not consider that Heaven is involved.
3 Remember that there is another still to be included as half the team; the future Vice President (the unexpected one) who will balance the new President. Declare over both the new President and the other half of his team. It will be a surprise for me too as God is not saying any names right now. Let us also pray over all the leadership in Washington DC as well as those who run the political machines of our day, that they will al extend favor (without knowing why) to God's choice for President and pray that the Body of Christ lay down their differences and come together for God's will to be done (especially when all other competitors have left the race).
THE FATHER SAID TODAY, March 9, 2016: " Although I WILL win him to Me in time, I have not chosen this man to be your Apostle, your Prophet, your Pastor, your Teacher nor your Evangelist; I have chosen him to be your President - Donald Trump will WIN. GOD"

This is REPOST No. 10, which was after over 200,000 had viewed these posts about the election and we had about 90 severe bashings (a small percentage) once they saw that the Father had announced that Trump would be our next President. It so moved me that these Believers had responded wth such hateful words from their souls and Holy Spirirt had me put up this prayer/declaration so people would know how to handle such attacks.
March 10, 2016 (Thursday)
Father, My Precious Father, who has caught me up by your Spirit for 20 years to your home called Heaven; I love you with a consecrated, sold out firey LOVE that cannot be quenched nor even affected by mere mortal hate, judgements, curses, accusations or character bashing or trashing; not even realizing that they are actually striking out at you, the one who made them. Because of the great love you have fiilled me with and because I understand that it is the enemy's desire to hold them in their bondage; I readily forgive each and every one who spoke against me or your plans that you revealed to me. I choose with my Will to loose all negative words directed at me so that they cannot remain to be used by the enemy and I choose to hold nothing against them and ask that your scribe angels not even write down their words, but act as if they were never spoken. I ask instead that you help them to be free of any darkness that was deposited in their own souls from their own negative thoughts and words because you created us to release Love, Life and Hope to all. I bless them in your HOLY name and declare that they will not miss the destiny you have planned for them in this Kingdom Age. May goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives. May they all have a face to face encounter with you that they too can feel the manifest ever burning love that flows through your being that captures and holds those who stand before the Glory of your throne.
May you give a double blessing to all who simply chose with their will to receive or not receive and did not lash out or crush others for they rightly responded in a way that all Believers should and were a witness to how we should use our souls! May any of you who were hurt, shocked or wounded by reading any of the bashing comments please do as I have; choose to loose them from your souls that they will have no hold on you and thank you for also asking the Father to forgive those who struck out (it blesses God and tortures the devil) for it will cause the light in you to burn brighter!
The place my heart longs for and runs to is the arms of my heavenly Father for you are always good and always willing to cover us with your wings and hold us in your heart. Thank you for trusting me with your heart, your plans and the Glory. CHRIST IN US THE HOPE OF GLORY! Run after it and let nothing stop you for if you seek Him you WILL find HIM! Sweet Dreams and May the Host Be with You!

Helvetet är skräckslaget över vad som nu är på väg att ske:

Here is REPOST No. 11 which was an Election UPDATE after revealing that God had chosen Trump
March 22, 2016 at 7:10am

The Father told me: "Oh, how terrified is Hell that their perpetual plan for bondage of America and her people is being ripped from their evil hands. Can you see now, the web that has been woven behind your backs to steal your freedom and destroy your hope for a bright future; but I AM changing that and nothing will stop My plans! This is My time on the earth to EXPOSE in great detail the plans of satan and those who serve him; for I Am shaking everything that can be shaken and many will fall and flee from the shaking. I will not refuse My true sons and daughters (those who do not hate, trash or devour others with their words) who have prayed and asked for help from Heaven. I Am touching EVERYTHING and Nothing will remain the same. Things must both be uprooted and pulled down for permanent change to happen and those who do not agree with My plans and My ways are best to remain silent until I Am done, for I Am not just setting America up for another Revival but for a HABITATION of My presence and the GLORY.
Pray and declare supernatural protection to continue for Trump, his family and those who will become a part of his administration and please take notice of his journey as he responds more and more to My voice (for you will hear My plans in his bold words.) Some who would seek to harm him and do not cease their wicked attempts, prepare to see their REMOVAL. Those who are against him have already put into action a plot against his campaign to cause a MESS UP and make him appear a liar BUT those who create the MESS UP will be exposed and they will have a BIG MESS that they are unable to clean up because I moved My hand for him!
I have turned the heart of the masses to support the All American leader who is ALL For America. If you do not wish to see America greater than it has ever been before, maybe you should consider moving because you will NEVER win against Me. For those who BELIEVE that this is My plan and will trust Me and continue to declare Life, Peace, Freedom, Justice and Righteousness for this country; you will see the hand of your God change your Nation that will then release a shockwave in the spirit realm that will touch Nations. Pray for those still living in deception, that the blinders will be struck from their eyes and their souls will be restored. Prepare to be catapulted into this Kingdom Age where you will witness the IMPOSSIBLE, experience the UNFATHOMABLE and actually begin to LIVE when you operate in the UNSPEAKABLE Power and Glory of the Most High God creating Regions of Light where no darkness can remain. The very earth cries out for you My sons and daughters around this world, to see who you ARE, say YES and allow Me to position you to begin to Manifest. That time is NOW says your Father!"

Jag är oerhört passionerad över vad som händer!

Det är alltid bättre att välsigna det GUD gör, för GUD vet bättre än människan.
Trump kommer att vinna i November för att GUD utvalt honom.

Tack för att du läste!

KÄRLEK / Johanna D.

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